Migrate from Honeycomb OTel Distributions to OpenTelemetry

If you are using a Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distribution, an older set of Honeycomb wrappers for instrumenting code with OpenTelemetry (OTel), we recommend migrating your instrumentation to the official OpenTelemetry tooling that is supported by many vendors, including Honeycomb.

Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distributions are in maintenance, and we will notify users when a deprecation date is set.

Migrating to OpenTelemetry 

When migrating your services from Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distribution to OpenTelemetry, automatic instrumentation should not be affected (as long as you install and configure the same instrumentation libraries), and any custom, or manual, instrumentation should not require changes.

At a high level, this migration will require that you:

  1. Replace Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distribution packages in your instrumentation with official OpenTelemetry packages.

    Visit the “Acquire Dependencies” section of our OpenTelemetry documentation for your coding language, and if needed, update the packages listed therein:

  2. Add direct dependencies for any instrumentation libraries that the Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distribution included and set up during application initialization.

    Visit the “Initialize” section of our OpenTelemetry documentation for your coding language, and if needed, update the packages listed therein:

  3. If applicable, add direct dependencies for the baggage span processor.

    Visit the “Add Multi-Span Attributes” section of our OpenTelemetry documentation:

  4. If applicable, add the resource attribute for sample rate.

    In your Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Distribution, sample rate could have been set with a SAMPLE_RATE environment variable or as a sampleRate variable in code during initialization.

    To learn more about adding the Sample Rate resource attribute, visit the “Sampling” section in our OpenTelemetry documentation:

Questions and Support 

Do you have questions about OpenTelemetry?

The Honeycomb Pollinators Community is a great place to ask questions and share your experience.