Release Stages

Release stages describe how we stage, release, and retire product functionality. Product features may not progress through all release stages, and the time in each stage will vary depending on the scope and impact of the feature.

Early Access 

Early Access releases allow small groups of users to selectively opt-in to new or enhanced features and use them before they are fully developed. We will work closely with early access users to regularly solicit feedback.


Beta releases allow our users to explore new, developed product capabilities while providing feedback. Beta releases may be restricted to a select number of Honeycomb users (private) or open to all Honeycomb users (public).

We have validated beta features for a specific set of use cases, but might change them prior to their next stage release.

If you participate in a beta release, you should know that:

  • We do not support beta functionality for production use.
  • Changes we make may impact functionality; we will communicate impacts as we become aware of them.
  • Your feedback will help us prioritize improvements and fixes in later releases.

General Availability 

General Availability releases are fully functional and available to all users (limited by pricing plan) for production use. We support features in General Availability and address issues according to the guidelines established in our Support policy.


Releases in maintenance are considered stable and feature-complete. No plan exists to add significant new features to these releases, but they will receive security updates and critical bug fixes.


Deprecated features are not supported for use by new users, are not actively being enhanced, and are only minimally maintained.

Deprecation begins when we introduce new behavior that users would experience as a change and that impacts core functionality. Deprecation ends when the old behavior moves into the End of Life product release stage.

During Deprecation, users should migrate from the deprecated feature or behavior using our migration process. Teams using a feature at the time of deprecation will continue to have access to that feature.

End of Life 

Features that reach the End of Life stage are removed from the platform. Continued use of these features will likely result in errors.