Manage Markers with CLI

To add markers via a command line tool, use either curl or honeymarker, a lightweight marker management tool that provides a CRUD command line interface.

Managing markers with a CLI requires a Configuration API Key, which must have the Manage Markers permission. Refer to our API keys documentation for more details. Also, the dataset must already exist for a marker to be added successfully.

Add Markers (add

For example:

honeymarker \
    -k YOUR_API_KEY \
    -d myservice \
    -t deploy \
    -m "build 192837" \
curl -X POST \
    -H "X-Honeycomb-Team: YOUR_API_KEY" \
    -d '{"message":"build 192837", "type":"deploy"}'
To use our EU instance, post your data to instead.

honeymarker add 

honeymarker has the following command line flags:

Name Flag Description Required
Start Time -s <arg> / --start_time=<arg> start time for the marker in unix time (seconds since the epoch) No
End Time -e <arg> / --end_time=<arg> end time for the marker in unix time (seconds since the epoch) No
Message -m <arg> / --msg=<arg> message describing this specific marker No
URL -u <arg> / --url=<arg> URL associated with this marker No
Type -t <arg> / --type=<arg> identifies marker type No

All parameters to add are optional.

If start_time is missing, the marker will be assigned the current time.

It is highly recommended that you fill in either message or type. All markers of the same type will be shown with the same color in the UI. The message will be visible above an individual marker.

If a URL is specified along with a message, the message will be shown as a link in the UI, and clicking it will take you to the URL.

List Markers (list

For example:

honeymarker \
    -k YOUR_API_KEY \
    -d myservice \
curl -X GET \
    -H "X-Honeycomb-Team: YOUR_API_KEY"
To use our EU instance, get data from instead.

honeymarker list 

honeymarker has the following command line flags:

Name Flag Description Required
JSON --json Output the list as json instead of in tabular form No
Unix Timestamps --unix_time In table mode, format times as unit timestamps (seconds since the epoch) No

Update Markers (update

For example:

honeymarker \
    -k YOUR_API_KEY \
    -d myservice \
    -i marker-id \
    -u "" \
curl -X PUT \
    -H "X-Honeycomb-Team: YOUR_API_KEY" \
    -d '{"url":""}'
To use our EU instance, send data to instead.

honeymarker update 

honeymarker has the following command line flags:

Name Flag Description Required
Marker ID -i <arg> / --id=<arg> ID of the marker to update Yes
Start Time -s <arg> / --start_time=<arg> start time for the marker in unix time (seconds since the epoch) No
End Time -e <arg> / --end_time=<arg> end time for the marker in unix time (seconds since the epoch) No
Message -m <arg> / --msg=<arg> message describing this specific marker No
URL -u <arg> / --url=<arg> URL associated with this marker No
Type -t <arg> / --type=<arg> identifies marker type No

The marker ID is available from the list command, and is also output to the console by the add command.

Delete Markers (rm

For example:

honeymarker \
    -k YOUR_API_KEY \
    -d myservice \
    -i marker-id \
curl -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Honeycomb-Team: YOUR_API_KEY"
To use our EU instance, delete data from instead.

honeymarker delete 

honeymarker has the following command line flags:

Name Flag Description Required
Marker ID -i <arg> / --id=<arg> ID of the marker to delete Yes

The marker ID is available from the list command, and is also output to the console by the add command.


honeymarker is a lightweight tool that provides a CRUD command line interface to manage your markers.


Download and install the latest version of honeymarker by visiting the releases page for v0.2.11 of honeymarker, which contains binary packages for a variety of platforms. The packages install honeymarker to /usr/bin. The binary is called honeymarker, available if you need it in an unpackaged form or for ad-hoc use.

View honeymarker’s source here.


Use the following command format for honeymarker:

honeymarker -k <YOUR_API_KEY> -d <dataset> COMMAND [command-specific flags]


For Environment markers, use __all__ for dataset name.

Available Commands 

honeymarker has the following commands:

Command Description
add add a new marker
list list all markers
rm delete a marker
update update a marker

OpenTelemetry Marker Exporter 

The OpenTelemetry Collector’s Marker Exporter allows you to send a Honeycomb Marker based on the shape of incoming telemetry.

In your OpenTelemetry Collector exporter configuration, you can specify a set of rules that will be evaluated against incoming telemetry. When a condition is met, a marker is sent and appears in Honeycomb. For example, whenever a Kubernetes Event contains a reason of Backoff, the configuration below sends a marker:

    api_key: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE
      # Creates a new marker each time the exporter sees a Kubernetes event with a reason of Backoff
      - type: k8s-backoff-events
          - log_conditions:
              - IsMap(body) and IsMap(body["object"]) and body["object"]["reason"] == "Backoff"