For Datasets, the Settings page consists of Overview, Schema, Definitions, Markers, and Delete tabs.
In the Dataset Overview tab:
Default Granularity affects the display of your Query Results visualizations. Granularity refers to the regular, known interval that data is captured. Queries in this dataset do not drop below the default granularity unless you choose to override it manually when making an individual query.
Default Granularity controls the default granularity seen:
Choose your Default Granularity from the options in the dropdown list.
Best practice is to set the default granularity with the interval at which data enters Honeycomb, which prevents the appearance of spiky graphs. For example, if your data enters the dataset at regular 30 second intervals, we recommend setting a default granularity of 30 seconds.
Suggested Queries allow you to select a board to provide suggested queries for this dataset. The selected Board must have at least one query that is specific to the dataset you want to use suggested queries for, be public, and the queries must be named.
The queries will be shown anytime you land on a blank Query page. Multiple datasets can use the same board.
The Schema tab allows you to select whether nested JSON automatically unpacks, and lists the Dataset’s Unique Fields and Calculated Fields.
Unique Fields lists all the unique fields seen in events from this dataset. You can modify a field’s data type here if needed.
) rather than dropping the value.The Definitions tab allows you to indicate which fields in your Dataset have special meaning in Honeycomb.
At the top of Dataset Definitions, two configuration completion indicators appear: Tracing ( ) and Home ( ).
Below the indicators, Dataset Definitions appear in rows.
Each row consists of one or more icons, the Dataset field, and the Field name.
The icons indicate if the Dataset Definition applies to the display configuration of Tracing and/or Home. Some Dataset fields overlap between the two configuration sets.
The Dataset field is the fixed field that Honeycomb references in its configuration.
The Field name options populate from fields in your dataset. If a Field name is blank, a Dataset Definition is not configured. To configure, use the dropdown list in Field name to choose from the available dataset fields. Selecting a dataset field maps it to Honeycomb’s Dataset field.
Honeycomb uses these definitions to provide more visualizations of your data in various Honeycomb interfaces, such as in Home, and in the trace waterfall.
The Correlations tab controls settings related to Correlations in Query Builder.
Default Correlations Board sets a default Board, which contains your queries of interest, to appear when using the Correlations tab in Query Builder. All charts from the default Correlations Board appear when you select the Correlations tab. Their order reflects their order on the Board.
The selected Board must be public. Multiple datasets can use the same board.
The Markers tab lists any Dataset-wide Marker and its associated color. Markers display as vertical lines on graphs to mark points in time where interesting things happen, such as deploys or outages.
You must be a team owner to change the Marker color in the Honeycomb UI. Modify a Dataset-wide Marker’s color setting by selecting the field under the Color column in the Markers tab. Alternatively, use the Marker Settings API.
Learn more about marker configuration.
In the Delete tab, a team owner can delete a dataset.