Home UI | Honeycomb

Home UI

Home displays the following data visualizations in the selected time window:

  • Total Traces: Total number of distinct traces or requests that have been sent.
  • Total Error Events: Total number of spans or events with errors.
  • 95th Percentile Latency: 95th-percentile latency of traces or requests that have been sent.

Recent Traces 

If you have sent traces into your dataset, the Recent Traces view displays the five traces with the most recent root spans for the selected service.

Recent Events 

The Recent Events view displays the five most recent events in your dataset.

Available Tasks 

  • Navigate between Datasets
  • Change applicable Time Range
  • Access Dataset Settings
  • View displayed data in Query Builder by selecting Expand
  • Select different data fields to Group By
  • Access Board Templates by selecting Explore Templates
  • Access individual Recent Traces
  • Access individual Recent Events