Query Results

In Query Results, any VISUALIZE chart(s) displays first. Below, a series of tabs for further analysis appears, including:


The Overview tab displays a summary table based on your query. If your query includes a GROUP BY clause, then the summary reflects a summary of grouped fields.


The BubbleUp tab activates after selecting an area in a chart or heatmap. This selection creates a comparison between the selection and all other results, or the baseline. These comparisons are represented as charts.

A dataset or environment has many fields. BubbleUp represents each field with a chart.

The charts divide into two groups:

  • Dimensions contain fields with categorical or ordinal values
  • Measures contain fields with numeric values

Each chart categorizes the data into two groups:

  • Selection, rendered in yellow on the right side of a value, contains the points in the area selected in the heatmap.
  • Baseline, rendered in blue on the left side of a value, contains all the points outside of the area selected.
BubbleUp dimensions chart example with annotations

The title of the chart is the name of the field.

In the upper right corner, the two donut charts display a ratio of how often the field is found in the data. A field and its values may not be populated in a dataset or environment.

Hover over the title and donut charts to display a tooltip with the full field name and a percentage of how often the field appears in the Selection (yellow) and Baseline (blue).

The bar chart displays each value in bar form, which represents its frequency in the Selection or in the Baseline. The height of each bar is proportional to the number of times the value occurs in the results of the query. The bar chart displays a maximum of seventy-five values, a subset of both Selection and Baseline values.

Hover over the bar for a value, to display a tooltip with its full value name and a percentage of how often the value appears in the Selection and Baseline.

BubbleUp dimension bar chart value tooltip when hovered

A field may contain largely unique values. These are sometimes referred to as nominal data. The tooltips for nominal columns show the exact number of occurrences instead of a percentage in the Selection or the Baseline. For example, events that capture a span in a trace maintain a unique ID for the span in the trace.span_id column.

BubbleUp dimension with nominal values that show a value occurred 1 time in the baseline and 0 times in the selection

Click on a value, or a pair of bars, to display an action menu to take further actions. For charts in the Dimensions section, this actions menu appears:

BubbleUp dimension bar chart value action menu when clicked
Group by Field
Adds a GROUP BY clause and re-runs the query. Select Results to view a summary of grouped fields below the heatmap.
Show only where field is value
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> = <value> and re-runs the query.
Show only where field is not value
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> != <value> and re-runs the query.
Copy field name
Copies the field name to your OS clipboard.

For charts in the Measures section, this actions menu appears:

BubbleUp measures histogram chart value action menu when clicked
Show only where field less than
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> < <value> and re-runs the query.
Show only where field greater than
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> > <value> and re-runs the query.


The Correlations tab consists of a dropdown window that displays the selected data source, a Filter search box, and up to the first six saved queries from the selected data source.

Screenshot showing the Correlations tab display with a Service Health board selected and a filter of service.name=frontend

Each query contains one or more chart visualization(s) and a bulleted list icon. Hover over the bulleted list icon to reveal the query’s name and composition, and an option to open the query in a new tab. Selecting anywhere in the expanded query details opens the query in a new tab.

Screenshot showing display with query name, link to Open Query in new tab, and query details


The Traces tab displays up to 10 traces with the slowest spans that match your query’s filters. Click to a trace.

Explore Data 

The Explore Data tab shows the raw data from the current query, which ignores the query’s aggregates, any GROUP BY fields, and any ORDER BY fields.

Each column represents a field from your dataset. Each row represents an event with associated values. The Event column displays additional fields with their values.

Query Builder with Explore Data tab selected and table displayed

Fields List 

On the left side of the Explore Data tab, the fields list displays fields with data for this query. This list does not show all fields in the dataset. If a field is not visible, then spans in the query results have no data for that field.

Use the Field Search box to search for a particular field name within the fields list.

To expand the list and view all fields, scroll down the fields list and select Load More below the Displayed Fields list.

Filter Fields 

To control which fields are visible in the table, select the plus sign icon to the right of each field in the list of fields.

Only the selected fields appears in the Explore Data table. A summary at the top of the fields list displays all selected fields under the Displayed fields section.

Fields list display with three selected fields in the displayed fields section.

Download Your Data 

To download your data:

  1. In the fields list display, select the ellipses next to the Fields section name.
  2. In the menu that appears, choose between Download CSV or Download JSON to download data in .csv or .json format respectively. The maximum number of downloadable rows is 1,000.

Page Through Results 

To page through your data, use the arrow buttons located above and to the right of the Explore Data tab data table. To adjust the number of events displayed per page, use the dropdown window next to the arrow buttons.

Load more rows button at bottom of table

Customize Event Formatting 

To customize event formatting, select the ellipses located next to the Event column name and then select the target toggle.

Format data
Displays all fields in a line [off] or one field per line [on].
Automatically highlight fields
Displays all field names in black [off] or orange [on].
Event Actions menu with the Format data option deselected and the Automatically highlight fields option selected.

Interact with the Events Column 

When you select a field within the Events column, this action menu appears:

Remove column from table
Removes field from displayed fields in Explore Data tab.
Show only where field exists
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> exists and re-runs the query.
Show only where field does not exist
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> does-not-exist and re-runs the query.
Show only where field is value
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> = <value> and re-runs the query.
Show only where field is not value
Adds a WHERE clause to filter with <field> != <value> and re-runs the query.
Group by field
Adds a GROUP BY clause with <field> and re-runs the query.
Copy field name
Copies the field name to your OS clipboard.
Copy value
Copies the value name to your OS clipboard.
Events Column action menu with eight menu options listed.

View Tracing Details 

If your dataset is a tracing dataset, then the trace.trace_id column displays trace ID fields as hyperlinks. Select any trace ID hyperlink to display the trace waterfall view, which contains the span represented by that row.

Tracing link example