Team Settings

Team Details displays information and allows for team-wide settings management.

Displayed Information and Settings 

  • Team Name
  • Environments and API Keys
    • Default Environment
  • Single Sign-On
  • Query Assistant
  • Email notifications
  • Allowed domains
  • Team Members
  • Invitations

Allowed Domains 

Allows Team Owners to control team behavior related to:

  • Email domains: Specify the domains from which Honeycomb will allow users to join their Team. Honeycomb compares the email domain allowlist against user email addresses to determine whether a user may join a team.
  • Web domains: Specify the URLs that Honeycomb will display as external links. Honeycomb compares the web domain allowlist against URLs in the Honeycomb instance to determine whether we should display a URL as an external link rather than as static text in the Query Builder, the Explore Data tab, and the Trace View.

Honeycomb notifies all Team Owners any time a change is made to the allowed domains.

Valid Domains and URLs 

Domains and URLs must meet certain criteria to be valid in Honeycomb:

  • Valid domains:
    • Consist of a series of one or more labels separated by periods, followed by a top-level domain (TLD) (for example,
    • Include a TLD that:
      • Contains only lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z & 0-9)
      • Contains at least 2 characters
    • Include labels that:
      • Contain only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and dashes (-)
      • Contain fewer than 64 characters
      • Both start and end with an alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z)
  • Valid URLs:
    • Can be parsed by JavaScript’s new URL() constructor
    • Include a protocol of either http:// or https://
    • Include a hostname that:
      • Is non-null
      • Ends in one of the domains listed in the web domain allowlist

Team Members 

Displays the profile icon, email, and role of each team member.

Possible roles include Owner and Member. To learn more about permissions granted to Team roles, visit Manage Permissions.


  • Manage Environments and API Keys
  • Choose a Default Environment
  • Enable and Manage SSO
  • Manage Query Assistant
  • Manage Email Notifications
  • Manage Web Domain Allowlist
  • Manage Email Domain Allowlist
  • Manage Team Members
  • Invite New Team Members

Usage shows details and trends about your team’s event volume and throughput, such as events per month (EPM).

Monthly Events 

Along with a text summary, a bar indicator compares the number of used events versus the total number of available events for the month.

Daily Event Traffic, last 60 days 

The graph shows the daily event traffic over the last 60 days. The last full calendar month is highlighted. The graph key shows types of Accepted Traffic and Rejected Traffic events:

  • Accepted Traffic
    • Successful
    • Burst Protection
  • Rejected Traffic
    • Rate Limited
    • Throttled

Per-environment Breakdown 

Fields for each listed Environment include:

  • Environment Name
  • Date Created
  • Date Last Received
  • Billable Ingested Events (since start of month)
  • Percent of Traffic (since start of month)

Per-dataset Breakdown 

Fields for each listed Dataset include:

  • Dataset Name
  • Environment Name
  • Date Created
  • Date Last Received
  • Billable Ingested Events (since start of month)
  • Percent of Traffic (since start of month)


  • Activate Usage Mode (by environment)
  • Activate Usage Mode (by dataset)
  • Pagination navigation

Enhanced Reporting is visible if you are a Honeycomb Enterprise customer. Enhanced Reporting shows a variety of information through graphs, charts, and statistics on your Honeycomb Events Ingest, Queries, and more.

Activity Log is visible if you are a Honeycomb Enterprise customer. Activity Log allows Team Owners to reference who or what caused a change in specific resource configurations.

Within Integrations, view and configure third-party integrations and webhooks for notification purposes.

The Honeycomb + Slack and Honeycomb + GitHub sections indicate their respective integration’s implementation status.

In Trigger and SLO Recipients, add, remove, or edit team-level integration settings for Triggers and SLOs.

Read the detailed instructions to set up your team-level trigger recipients, such as Slack, PagerDuty, Microsoft Teams, and Webhooks.


  • Authorize Slack
  • Revoke Slack
  • Authorize GitHub
  • Add Integration for notification
  • Search Trigger Recipients

Billing shows your current plan, payment settings, and payment history.

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