Environment Settings

For Environments, the Settings page consists of the Overview, API Keys, and Markers tabs.

Environment Settings are not available if you are a Honeycomb Classic user.

In the Environment Overview tab, view and edit the Environment’s description and its associated color.

Though an Environment’s color is selected at creation, the color can be changed at a later time. Select a new choice from a set range of colors in the Color section.

The API Keys tab lists the API keys associated with its Environment. You must be a team owner to create and edit API keys.

API Keys are divided into Ingest and Configuration keys. Navigate between the two tabs that reflect the two API Key types.


Displayed fields include:

  • Name
  • Key ID
  • Created (user and date)
  • Details


  • Search for Ingest API Keys
  • Create Ingest API Key
  • Modify Key by selecting Details


Displayed fields include:

  • Name
  • Key ID
  • Key
  • Permissions
  • Created (date)


  • Search for Configuration API Keys
  • Copy existing API Key

The Schema tab lists the Environment’s existing Derived Columns with the ability to search and add new Derived Columns.

The Markers tab lists any Environment-wide Marker and its associated color. Markers display as vertical lines on graphs to mark points in time where interesting things happen, such as deploys or outages.

You must be a team owner to change the Marker color in the Honeycomb UI. Modify a Environment-wide Marker’s color setting by selecting the field under the Color column in the Markers tab. Alternatively, use the Marker Settings API.

Learn more about Marker configuration.

In the Delete tab, a team owner can delete an environment. You cannot delete the last environment in your team.


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