Send Alerts to Webhooks

The Webhooks + Honeycomb integration uses Honeycomb Triggers or Honeycomb Service Level Objective (SLO) Burn Alerts to notify an arbitrary webhook based on alerts sent from Honeycomb. You can use it to build custom integrations that receive JSON payloads from Honeycomb upon alerts firing.

Before You Begin 

Before you set up the integration, you’ll need a user account in your Honeycomb Team.

Setting Up Your Integration 

Before you can configure Honeycomb to send alerts to your webhook, you must set up your integration.

Create a Webhook 

Your webhook should be an HTTP endpoint running within your infrastructure to which you want Honeycomb to send notification of a trigger or SLO’s changing state.

Honeycomb will send JSON payloads to your webhook upon alerts firing. The content will include an authentication header and the result of the alert in JSON in the body of the webhook.

To learn more about the API for webhook notifications, visit our example webhook implementation, which can consume webhook notifications.

Create Your Integration in Honeycomb 

To create your integration, you must add your webhook to Honeycomb.

  1. Navigate to Team Settings, and select the Integrations view.
  2. Locate the Trigger and SLO Recipients section, and select Add Integration.
  3. For Provider, select Webhook, then enter a name that will be easy to find when you configure alerts in the future, and paste your Webhook URL and Shared Secret.
  4. Select Add.

Configuring Alerts to Use Your Webhook as a Recipient 

After your integration is set up in Honeycomb, you can configure Triggers and SLOs to use your webhook as a recipient for alerts.

Configuring Triggers to Alert Your Webhook 

  1. In the Honeycomb UI, navigate to Triggers.
  2. Select the name of the trigger you want to configure, or create a new trigger by clicking New Trigger.
  3. Locate the Recipients section, and select Add Recipient.
  4. In the Add Trigger Recipient modal, locate the Recipient dropdown and choose your webhook integration, then select Add.
  5. Select Save Trigger.

Configuring SLO Burn Alerts to Alert Your Webhook 

  1. In the Honeycomb UI, navigate to SLOs.
  2. In the list, locate the SLO you want to configure, or create a new SLO by clicking New SLO.
  3. Find your SLO in the list, and click the Configure button in the Burn Alerts column.
  4. Click New Burn Alert.
  5. In the Create Burn Alert form, set your desired exhaustion time, then choose your webhook integration in the Notify dropdown. Set your desired Severity (Critical is the default).
  6. Select Create Burn Alert.

Removing the Integration 

To remove the integration, you will need to delete it from your Honeycomb team. Deleting the integration from your team will remove it from all associated triggers and SLOs.

  1. Navigate to Team Settings, and select the Integrations view.
  2. Locate Trigger and SLO Recipients and find your webhook integration, then select Edit.
  3. In the form editor, select Remove.