
This feature is available as an add-on for the Honeycomb Enterprise plan. Please contact your Honeycomb account team for details.

Supported Platforms 

Platform Metrics Logs Traces

Configuration Table 

Parameter Type Default Description
protocol* enum “rfc3164” The RFC protocol to use when parsing incoming syslog. Valid values are rfc3164 or rfc5424.
connection_type enum udp The transport protocol to use. Valid values are udp or tcp.
data_flow enum high Enable high flow or reduced low flow.
listen_port* int 5140 The port to bind to and receive syslog. Collector must be running as root (Linux) or Administrator (windows) when binding to a port below 1024.
listen_ip* string “” The IP address to bind to and receive syslog.
timezone enum UTC RFC3164 only. The timezone to use when parsing timestamps.
enable_octet_counting bool false Whether or not to parse using a trailer character. This is a special character that will be the termination character for syslog messages. This is only applicable to tcp and rfc5424 configurations.
non_transparent_framing_trailer enum LF Whether or not to enable octet counting on syslog framing. This framing allows for the transmission of all characters inside a syslog message. This is only applicable to tcp and rfc5424 configurations.
enable_mutual_tls bool false Whether or not to use mutual TLS.
cert_file string Path to the TLS cert to use for TLS-required connections.
key_file string Path to the TLS key to use for TLS-required connections.
ca_file string When set, enforces mutual TLS authentication and verifies client certificates.
tls_min_version enum “1.2” The minimum TLS version to support. 1.0 and 1.1 should not be considered secure.

<span style={{color: ‘red’}}>*required field