Splunk (TCP)

This feature is available as an add-on for the Honeycomb Enterprise plan. Please contact your Honeycomb account team for details.

Supported Platforms 

Platform Metrics Logs Traces
Kubernetes Gateway

Configuration Table 

Parameter Type Default Description
listen_ip string “” IP Address to listen on.
listen_port* int Port to listen on.
log_type string splunk_tcp Arbitrary for attribute ’log_type’. Useful for filtering between many log sources.
parse_format enum none Method to use when parsing. Valid values are none, json, and regex. When regex is selected, ‘Regex Pattern’ must be set.
regex_pattern string The regex pattern used when parsing log entries.
multiline_line_start_pattern string Regex pattern that matches the beginning of a log entry, for handling multiline logs.
multiline_line_end_pattern string Regex pattern that matches the end of a log entry, useful for terminating parsing of multiline logs.
parse_timestamp bool false Whether to parse the timestamp from the log entry.
timestamp_field string timestamp The field containing the timestamp in the log entry.
parse_timestamp_format enum ISO8601 The format of the timestamp in the log entry. Choose a common format, or specify a custom format. Options include “ISO8601”, “RFC3339”, “Epoch”, and “Manual”.
epoch_timestamp_format enum s The layout of the epoch-based timestamp. Required when parse_timestamp_format is set to “Epoch”.. Options include “s”, “ms”, “us”, “ns”, “s.ms”, “s.us”, “s.ns”.
manual_timestamp_format string ‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z’ The strptime layout of the timestamp. Used when parse_timestamp_format is set to “Manual”.
timezone timezone UTC The timezone to use if the Timestamp Format doesn’t include a timezone. Otherwise, the timezone in the Timestamp Format will be respected. NOTE: This is also required to parse timezone abbreviations, due to their ambiguity.
parse_severity bool false Whether to parse severity from the log entry.
severity_field string severity The field containing the severity in the log entry.
parse_to string body The field that the log will be parsed to. Some exporters handle logs favorably when parsed to attributes over body and vice versa.
enable_tls bool false Whether or not to use TLS.
tls_certificate_path string Path to the TLS cert to use for TLS-required connections.
tls_private_key_path string Path to the TLS key to use for TLS-required connections.
tls_min_version enum “1.2” The minimum TLS version to support. 1.0 and 1.1 should not be considered secure. Valid values include: 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0.


The Splunk TCP source type supports Kubernetes Gateway agents. Splunk forwarders can send logs to the agents using the clusterIP services.


  • Honeycomb Telemetry Pipeline v1.46.0 or newer


Add the Splunk TCP source to your Gateway agent configuration. Set “Listen Address” to and Listen Port to 9997.

The Splunk forwarders should be configured to forward telemetry to bindplane-gateway-agent.bindplane-agent.svc.cluster.local on port 9997. If the Splunk forwarders live outside of the cluster, you must make the bindplane-gateway-agent service in the bindplane-agent namespace available using TCP ingress or by defining your own service that can receive traffic from outside of the cluster. See the Kubernetes service documentation for more information.

Below is an example Splunk forwarder outputs configuration.

defaultGroup = bindplane-gateway-agent

server = bindplane-gateway-agent.bindplane-agent.svc.cluster.local:9997
compressed = false
useACK = false
sendCookedData = false