Kafka OTLP

This feature is available as an add-on for the Honeycomb Enterprise plan. Please contact your Honeycomb account team for details.

Supported Platforms 

Platform Metrics Logs Traces

Configuration Table 

No encoding field for metric events is available because the only option, otlp_proto, is set by default.

Parameter Type Default Description
telemetry_types telemetrySelector ["Logs", "Metrics", "Traces"] Choose Telemetry Type.
protocol_version enum “2.0.0” The Kafka protocol version to use when communicating with brokers. Valid values are: "2.2.1", "2.2.0", "2.0.0", or "1.0.0".
brokers strings localhost:9092 List of brokers to connect and subscribe to for metrics, traces, and logs.
group_id string otel-collector Consumer group to consume messages from.
client_id string otel-collector The consumer client ID that the receiver will use.
log_topic string otlp_logs The topic name for subscribing to log events.
log_encoding enum otlp_proto The encoding of the log event pulled from the Kafka topic. otlp_proto, raw, text, or json
metric_topic string otlp_metrics The topic name for subscribing to metric events.
trace_topic string otlp_spans The topic name for subscribing to trace events.
trace_encoding enum otlp_proto The encoding of the trace event pulled from the Kafka topic. otlp_proto, jaeger_proto, jaeger_json, zipkin_proto, zipkin_json, or zipkin_thrift
enable_auth bool false
auth_type enum basic basic, sasl, or kerberos
basic_username string
basic_password string
sasl_username string
sasl_password enum
sasl_mechanism string SCRAM-SHA-256 SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, or PLAIN
kerberos_service_name string
kerberos_realm string
kerberos_config_file string /etc/krb5.conf
kerberos_auth_type enum keytab keytab or basic
kerberos_keytab_file string /etc/security/kafka.keytab
kerberos_username string
kerberos_password string