Kafka Cluster

This feature is available as an add-on for the Honeycomb Enterprise plan. Please contact your Honeycomb account team for details.

Supported Platforms 

Platform Metrics Logs Traces

Configuration Table 

Parameter Type Default Description
cluster_name* string Friendly name used for the resource kafka.cluster.name.
protocol_version enum “2.0.0” The Kafka protocol version to use when communicating with brokers. Valid values are: "2.2.1", "2.2.0", "2.0.0", or "1.0.0".
brokers strings localhost:9092 List of brokers to scrape for metrics.
client_id string otel-metrics-receiver The consumer client ID that the receiver will use.
collection_interval int 60 Sets how often (seconds) to scrape for metrics.
enable_auth bool false
auth_type enum basic basic, sasl, or kerberos
basic_username string
basic_password string
sasl_username string
sasl_password string
sasl_mechanism enum SCRAM-SHA-256 SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512, or PLAIN
kerberos_service_name string
kerberos_realm string
kerberos_config_file string /etc/krb5.conf
kerberos_auth_type enum keytab keytab or basic
kerberos_keytab_file string /etc/security/kafka.keytab
kerberos_username string
kerberos_password string