Log Sampling

This feature is available as an add-on for the Honeycomb Enterprise plan. Please contact your Honeycomb account team for details.


The Log Sampling processor can be used to filter out logs with a configured “drop ratio”.

Supported Types 

Metrics Logs Traces

Configuration Table 

Parameter Type Default Description
drop_ratio enum "0.50" The probability an entry is dropped (used for sampling). A value of 1.0 will drop 100% of matching entries, while a value of 0.0 will drop 0%.
condition string true An OTTL expression used to match which log records to sample from. All paths in the log context are available to reference. All converters are available to use.
Use of the condition parameter requires HTP Agent v1.61.0 or above.

Value drop ratio’s range from “0.0” (0%) to “1.00” (100%) with 5% increments. Note that the drop ratio value is a string.

Example Configuration 

Filter out 75% of logs where Attribute “ID” == 1.

Web Interface 

Honeycomb Docs - Log Sampling - image 1

Standalone Processor 

apiVersion: bindplane.observiq.com/v1
kind: Processor
  id: sampling
  name: sampling
  type: sampling
    - name: drop_ratio
      value: '0.75'
    - name: condition
      value: '(attributes["ID"] == 1)'