Extract Metric

This feature is available as an add-on for the Honeycomb Enterprise plan. Please contact your Honeycomb account team for details.


The Extract Metric Processor creates new metrics based on log telemetry. For logs matching a filter, the processor will extract a numerical value from a field and then create a metric with that value. The name, unit, and type of the created metric can be configured. Additionally, fields from matching logs can be preserved as metric attributes.

Supported Types 

Metrics Logs Traces

Supported Agent Versions 



The configuration of an Extract Metric processor consists of a number of sub-metrics that are defined using fields described below.

Field Description
Metric Name The name of the metric that will be created.
Match The log context the source field is located in. Options are Body, Attributes, and Resource.
Metric Field The name of the source field containing a numeric value that will become the new metric value.
Metric Type The type of metric that will be created. Options are gauge_double, gauge_int, counter_double, and counter_int.
Metric Unit The unit of the created metric. Some default choices provided with the ability to create a custom unit.
Attributes Existing attributes on the source log that should be carried over. Can also specify new metric attributes. Each value is an OTTL path expression that extracts data from the log.

Example Configuration 

In this configuration we are creating a new latency metric based on a field in the log body.

Here is the new latency metric created as a gauge_double with seconds set as the unit.

Honeycomb Docs - Extract Metric - image 1

Now we can see the new metric in the snapshot view.

Honeycomb Docs - Extract Metric - image 2