Boards are a place to save useful graphs you want to retain for later reuse and reference. Similar to conventional dashboards, Boards re-run and get updated results when their Board page is loaded. Use Boards to extend your knowledge to the rest of your team, to your colleagues, or to your future self.
Common use cases for Boards include:
In the left navigation menu, select Boards (
). When the left navigation menu is compact, only the Boards menu icon appears.Select Query (
) from the navigation menu.Select Save To at the top of the page.
Choose Board and a new modal appears. (If you select My Saved Queries, the query is added to My Saved Queries in Query History instead.)
Select Save to new board.
Enter your Query information. If saving a query with a pre-existing name and/or description to a new board, then these fields populate automatically, but can be edited.
In Create a new Board, name your new board. Optionally, give your Board a description to help others find and use it. Determine the board’s Sharing setting - Team (All members of team) or Restricted (Collaborators and owners only).
Select Save query to finish.
Select Boards (
) from the navigation menu.Select New Board in the top right corner.
Name your new board. Optionally, give your Board a description to help others find and use it.
Set the Sharing status of your board to Team (All members of team) or Restricted (Collaborators and owners only).
Select Create when done.
Similar to Create a Board, to add a query to an existing board:
To add a query to an existing board:
To add a SLO to an existing Board from a SLO:
To add a SLO to an existing Board display:
Edit the following aspects of your Boards:
Remove Query
.Delete Board
. In the modal that appears, enter the unique identifier of the Board (listed in parentheses), and select I understand the consequences. Delete this board to complete the deletion process.To edit a query on an existing Board:
At creation time, you determine a board’s Sharing status as Restricted (Collaborators and owners only) or Team (All members of environment). A Team Board is visible to all Team members. A Restricted Board displays a lock next to its name, and its visibility is limited to you, any Collaborators you invited, and Team Owners.
To change a Board’s Sharing status:
You can add one or all of your teammates as Collaborators to your Private Boards.
You can add teammates individually by entering their e-mail address, or all teammates by selecting Add All Teammates.
Collaborators can add or remove queries or graphs, and edit the name and description of your Board.
To duplicate a copy of an existing Board:
Select a Board from the Boards page to view its details.
In the upper right corner:
In this section, view saved SLOs to monitor sets of related SLOs alongside your queries. Select within each SLO display to view the SLO’s details.
Learn how to add an SLO to existing boards.
To customize the Queries view:
Board Filters allow you to apply one or more parameters to all queries on your board. When viewing a Board and its queries, use the Filter By search box to enter your parameter(s). Select Apply to apply the parameter(s) to all queries on your board.
For example, if you have a board called “All Services Board”, which looks at all the health of services in your system, you may optionally want to apply a filter to look at health for the frontend service that you own.
In this case, a filter by
applies that parameter on top of every existing query on the board to output service-specific results.
Filter parameters can also be saved to a Board, so that any user who arrives to the Board in the future will see query results with the filter parameters applied.
To save parameters, first input your desired filter parameters and select Apply. Then, the Save Parameters button will appear as selectable. Select it to save those parameters as the board’s default filters.
To override existing saved parameters, modify the filters, select Apply, and then select Save Parameters.
Filter parameters apply across all queries in a board. Since a Board can contain queries on different datasets, applying filter parameters can result in three possible states denoted in a label for each query:
When present, all filter parameters are applied successfully on the query.
When present, none of the filters are applied to the query because the field(s) do not exist in the query dataset.
If you use more than one filter parameter and only some exist in the query dataset, then the filter parameters are partially applied. Select the label to show the filter parameters that were applied. The parameters that do not exist in the dataset will not be applied.
Start your investigations while viewing a Board. Select within the board display for a menu to appear.
Existing markers automatically display for every board query.
To add a marker, select your desired time point in the query and then select Add marker in the menu.
To view the corresponding trace waterfall, select a data point on a graph and then select View trace in the menu.
To zoom into a time period within your query, select an area of the chart and then select Zoom in in the menu. When used, other queries on the board also automatically zoom into that same time window.
To use BubbleUp on a board query, select a group or area of your chart, and then select Detect Anomalies (BubbleUp) in the menu.
In tables that appear within Boards, select the three dot menu next to a value to further filter or group by that value.
A redesigned Boards experience is available as part of our beta program. This update introduces a dedicated edit mode that provides enhanced control over your Boards.
In edit mode, you can:
When you’re finished making changes, select Done to save your updates.