Reference the available variables below for use within payloads in custom webhooks.
Refer to our documentation on how to define variables and override variables in custom webhooks.
"message": "{{ .Alert.Summary }}"
In the JSON payload template, .Alert.Summary
is a Variable that will evaluate and populate the payload sent with the string provided as the Summary of a given Alert.
Variable |
Type |
Description |
Example |
.Name |
string |
The name of the trigger |
“Deflector Shield Overload” |
.ID |
string |
The ID of the trigger |
“JwwZxfcP5kH” |
.Description |
string |
The description of the trigger |
“One or more deflector shields are overloaded. Consider diverting power from other shields to compensate. See YT-1300 Operations Manual pg 167 for diagnostics.” |
.URL |
string |
The URL to the trigger in the Honeycomb UI |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/triggers/4a77775a78666350356b48" |
.Environment |
string |
The name of the environment the trigger belongs to |
“test” |
.Datasets |
array |
A list of dataset names the trigger is associated with (currently will only have a length of one for triggers) |
["test"] |
.Operator |
string |
The operation of the trigger |
“less than or equal to” |
.Threshold |
float |
The threshold of the trigger |
1.5 |
.Result.URL |
string |
The URL to the result of the query that triggered the alert |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/result/46513473524b4c36626d79/a/6e694856705934354a6241" |
.Result.Groups |
array |
The groups that were evaluated for triggering the alert |
.Result.GroupsTriggered |
array |
The groups that were evaluated and exceeded the threshold to trigger the alert |
.Result.Groups[0].Group.Key |
string |
The key name of the column used in the group by |
“endpoint” |
.Result.Groups[0].Group.Value |
any |
The value of the column in the group by |
"/1/example/endpoint" |
.Result.Groups[0].Result |
float |
The query result of the group |
10 |
.Alert.InstanceID |
string |
A unique ID for this instance of the trigger firing. Can be used as a deduplication key. |
“c0fd570f-e920-4022-96d2-39e7df3e0621” |
.Alert.Description |
string |
A short description of the alert |
“test environment:\nCurrently less than or equal to threshold value (less than or equal to) for location: rear (value 0), location: port (value 0)” |
.Alert.Status |
string |
The status of the trigger - either “TRIGGERED” or “OK” |
.Alert.Summary |
string |
A summary of the alert |
“TEST: Triggered: Rear Deflector Shield Overload” |
.Alert.IsTest |
boolean |
Whether this trigger was fired during a test |
true |
.Alert.Timestamp |
time |
The time the Trigger was evaluated. |
2024-11-21T16:40:22.896871538Z |
.Alert.Type |
string |
One of “on_change” or “on_true”. |
“on_change” |
.Recipient.Name |
string |
The name of the recipient |
“Primary On Call” |
.Recipient.Secret |
string |
The shared secret of the recipient. Useful if you need to include authorization in the request body. |
“some-shared-secret” |
Variable |
Type |
Description |
Example |
.Name |
string |
The name of the SLO the burn alert belongs to |
“Diagnostics Check Errors” |
.ID |
string |
The ID of the burn alert |
“U7nREbqQ3z” |
.Description |
string |
The description of the burn alert |
“Many diagnostics checks are failing. If this continues, critical systems may go offline. BubbleUp on component to understand failures.” |
.URL |
string |
The URL to the burn alert in the Honeycomb UI |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/slos/burn_alerts/55376e5245627151337a" |
.Environment |
string |
The name of the environment the burn alert belongs to |
“test” |
.Datasets |
array |
A list of dataset names associated with the burn alert |
[“test] |
.BudgetRateWindowMinutes |
int |
The configured number of minutes of budget rate window |
10 |
.BudgetDecreaseThreshold |
float |
The configured budget decrease rate threshold |
1 |
string |
The URL to the SLO this burn alert belongs to |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/slo/6a373935455846566a4844" |
string |
The ID of the SLO this burn alert belongs to |
“R74738d7” |
string |
The URL to the SLI of the SLO this burn alert belongs to |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/schema?dc=sli.diagnostics" |
.Alert.InstanceID |
string |
A unique ID for this instance of the burn alert firing. Can be used as a deduplication key. |
“c056e6a4-6a76-444d-a475-d4b02569fa26” |
.Alert.Description |
string |
A short description of the alert |
“Diagnostics Check Errors” |
.Alert.Status |
string |
The status of the trigger - either “TRIGGERED” or “OK” |
.Alert.Summary |
string |
A summary of the alert |
“Triggered: Diagnostics Check Errors budget rate is above 5%” |
.Alert.IsTest |
boolean |
Whether this alert was fired during a test |
true |
.Alert.Timestamp |
time |
The time the Burn Alert was evaluated. |
2024-11-21T16:40:22.896871538Z |
.Alert.BudgetDecrease |
float |
The current rate of budget decrease at the time the alert fired |
1.34 |
.Recipient.Name |
string |
The name of the recipient |
“Primary On Call” |
.Recipient.Secret |
string |
The shared secret of the recipient. Useful if you need to include authorization in the request body. |
“some-shared-secret” |
Variable |
Type |
Description |
Example |
.Name |
string |
The name of the SLO the burn alert belongs to |
“Diagnostics Check Errors” |
.ID |
string |
The ID of the burn alert |
“U7nREbqQ3z” |
.Description |
string |
The description of the burn alert |
“Many diagnostics checks are failing. If this continues, critical systems may go offline. BubbleUp on component to understand failures.” |
.URL |
string |
The URL to the burn alert in the Honeycomb UI |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/slos/burn_alerts/55376e5245627151337a" |
.Environment |
string |
The name of the environment the burn alert belongs to |
“test” |
.Datasets |
array |
A list of dataset names associated with the burn alert |
[“test” |
.ExhaustionMinutes |
int |
The configured number of minutes of budget exhaustion |
60 |
string |
The URL to the SLO this burn alert belongs to |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/slo/6a373935455846566a4844" |
string |
The ID of the SLO this burn alert belongs to |
“R74738d7” |
string |
The URL to the SLI of the SLO this burn alert belongs to |
"https://ui.honeycomb.test/rebel-alliance/environments/test/datasets/falcon/schema?dc=sli.diagnostics" |
.Alert.InstanceID |
string |
A unique ID for this instance of the burn alert firing. Can be used as a deduplication key. |
“c056e6a4-6a76-444d-a475-d4b02569fa26” |
.Alert.Description |
string |
A short description of the alert |
“Diagnostics Check Errors” |
.Alert.Status |
string |
The status of the trigger - either “TRIGGERED” or “OK” |
.Alert.Summary |
string |
A summary of the alert |
“Triggered: Diagnostics Check Errors will violate SLO in 1h” |
.Alert.IsTest |
boolean |
Whether this alert was fired during a test |
true |
.Alert.Timestamp |
time |
The time the Burn Alert was evaluated. |
2024-11-21T16:40:22.896871538Z |
.Alert.BudgetDecrease |
float |
The current rate of budget decrease at the time the alert fired |
1.34 |
.Recipient.Name |
string |
The name of the recipient |
“Primary On Call” |
.Recipient.Secret |
string |
The shared secret of the recipient. Useful if you need to include authorization in the request body. |
“some-shared-secret” |