Calculated Field Math Operators

Math operators perform common mathematical operations.


Evaluates to the smallest argument of the same type as the first non-empty argument. “Smallest” means the smaller, if numeric, or lexicographically first, if a string.

# Usage: MIN(arg1, arg2, ...)
# Examples
MIN($memory_inuse_local, $memory_inuse_merge, $memory_inuse_fetch)


Evaluates to the largest argument of the same type as the first non-empty argument. “Largest” means the larger, if numeric, or lexicographically last, if string.

# Usage: MAX(arg1, arg2, ...)
# Examples
MAX($mysql_latency_ms, $redis_latency_ms)
MAX(1, DIV($total_volume, $count))


Evaluates to the sum of all numeric arguments. Strings are parsed into numbers if possible, unparseable strings or other values evaluate to zero.

# Usage: SUM(arg1, arg2, ...)
# Examples
SUM($serialize_ms, $scan_ms, $publish_ms)
SUM(1.0, 5, "2.3")


Evaluates to the first argument subtracted by the second, or arg1 - arg2. Strings are parsed into numbers if possible, unparseable strings or other values evaluate to zero.

# Usage: SUB(arg1, arg2)
# Examples
SUB($serialization_ms, 100)
SUB($total_ms, SUM($local_ms, $merge_ms, $serialize_ms))


Evaluates to the product of all numeric arguments. Strings are parsed into numbers if possible, unparseable strings or other values evaluate to zero.

# Usage: MUL(arg1, arg2, ...)
# Examples
MUL($count, $time_per_item)
MUL(100, DIV($json_decode_ms, $total_ms))


Divides the first argument by the second, or arg1 / arg2. Strings are parsed into numbers if possible, unparseable strings or other values evaluate to zero. A division by zero evaluates to null.

# Usage: DIV(arg1, arg2)
# Examples
DIV($io_bytes_read, 1024)
DIV($total_ms, $rows_examined)
DIV($json_parse_time_ms, $total_request_time_ms)


Computes the remainder of arg1 / arg2. Strings are parsed into floats if possible, unparseable strings or other values evaluate to zero. Evaluates to null if arg2 is zero.

# Usage: MOD(arg1, arg2)
# Examples
MOD(15, 12)  # 3
MOD(5.5, 4)  # 1.5
MOD(6, 5.5)  # 0.5


Computes the base-10 logarithm of the argument. Strings are parsed into numbers if possible. Unparseable strings, and arguments less than or equal to 0, evaluate to null.

# Usage: LOG10(arg1)
# Examples


Computes discrete (categorical) bins, or buckets, to transform continuous fields into categorical ones. This can be useful to group data into groups. The syntax is BUCKET( $column, size, [min, [max]]). The function returns size-sized buckets from min to max. For example, BUCKET( $column, 10, 0, 30) will return groups named < 0, 0 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 30, and > 30.

If only the min is specified, then the function will run without an upper bound; if neither a min nor max is specified, then the function will run without either bound, starting from a bucket 0 - size.

In all versions, points on the boundary between two bins will fall into the lower bin. The size, min, and max may not be columns. If the column is not a float value, the function returns null.

# Usage: BUCKET( $column, size, [min, [max]])
# Examples
BUCKET($duration_ms, 500, 0, 3000) # size, min and max
BUCKET($current_budget, 10, -5) # min only
BUCKET($num_users, 10) # size only
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