Derived Column Cast Operators

Cast operators convert one data type into another.


Casts the argument to an integer, truncating the value if necessary. The argument is first coerced to a float if possible. Non-numeric values return 0.

# Usage: INT(arg1)
# Examples
INT(DIV($seconds, 3600))


Casts the argument to a float. Non-numeric values return 0.0.

# Usage: FLOAT(arg1)
# Examples
FLOAT($price_dollars) # For example, 300.5
FLOAT("3.1415926535") # 3.1415926535


Casts the argument to a bool. Evaluates to true if the argument is truthy:

source type value BOOL($value)
int 0 false
int (anything else) true
float 0.0 false
float (anything else) true
string "true" true
string (anything else) false
bool true true
bool false false
nil false
# Usage: BOOL(arg1)
# Examples
BOOL($price_dollars) # For example, true
BOOL("")             # false
BOOL(true)           # true


Casts the argument to a string. Empty arguments are converted to "".

# Usage: STRING(arg1)
# Examples
STRING($price_dollars) # "300.5", for example
STRING(true)           # "true"
STRING($empty_column)  # ""
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