Calculated Field Boolean Operators

Boolean operators define logical relationships between values.


Evaluates the provided argument to a boolean value, and then inverts that value.

# Usage: NOT(arg1)
# Examples
NOT(IN($build_id, "175", "176"))
NOT(IN($company, "acme", "globex", "soylent"))


Takes a variable number of arguments and returns true if all arguments are truthy.

# Usage: AND(arg1, arg2, ...)
# Examples
AND(GTE($roundtrip_ms, 100), EQUALS($method, "POST"))
AND(NOT(IN($method, "GET", "DELETE")), EXISTS($batch))
AND(EQUALS($api_version, "v3"), OR(LT($request_ms, 30), GT($request_ms, 300)))


Takes a variable number of arguments and returns true if any arguments are truthy.

# Usage: OR(arg1, arg2, ...)
# Examples
OR(EQUALS($company, "acme"), GTE($priority, 5))
OR(GTE($mysql_latency_ms, 20), AND(GTE($s3_latency_ms, 100), EQUALS($method, "GET")))
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