The Definitions tab in your Dataset Settings allows you to define how specific fields in your Honeycomb dataset should be interpreted. Dataset Definitions set the visualization fields in the trace waterfall and in Home.
Some Dataset Definitions automatically populate when using OpenTelemetry or Beelines instrumentation, but additional definition of these fields is possible.
Choose your method of accessing Dataset Definitions through Dataset Settings:
Dataset Definitions appear in the Definitions tab.
Use the dropdown window in the top left of the Settings Page to navigate between specific Datasets and their definitions settings.
At the top of Dataset Definitions, two configuration completion indicators appear: Tracing ( ) and Home ( ).
Each indicator displays the level of field configuration completion in progress bar and in numerical format.
If all fields are configured, then text will confirm completion.
Otherwise, it warns about missing displays.
Below the indicators, Dataset Definitions appear in rows.
Each row consists of one or more icons, the Dataset field, and the Field name.
The icons indicate if the Dataset Definition applies to the display configuration of Tracing and/or Home. Some Dataset fields overlap between the two configuration sets.
The Dataset field is the fixed field that Honeycomb references in its configuration.
The Field name options populate from fields in your dataset. If a Field name is blank, a Dataset Definition is not configured. To configure, use the dropdown list in Field name to choose from the available dataset fields. Selecting a dataset field maps it to Honeycomb’s Dataset field.
Honeycomb uses these definitions to provide more visualizations of your data in various Honeycomb interfaces, such as in Home, and in the trace waterfall.
If a Field name in a row is blank, a Dataset Definition is not configured.
To configure Dataset Definitions, use the dropdown list in Field name to choose from the available dataset fields. The Field name options populate from fields in your dataset that meet the Dataset field’s data type requirements. Selecting a Field name option maps it to Honeycomb’s Dataset field.
Selecting the X removes the dataset definition assignment on this Dataset field.
Some fields are required for the construction of a trace waterfall, while others are optional and allow us to visualize your data in a different way.
Configure all 10 Tracing fields to ensure a full trace waterfall display.
Some of these tracing fields overlap with the Home fields.
There is a table showing the meanings of each tracing field; and a second with the meanings of span annotation fields for span events and link events.
or child
or link
Only required if you are using one or both of the Span Event or Trace Link annotation features.
For most cases, this field is not required.
This field lets Honeycomb move Span Annotations from the trace waterfall to the trace sidebar, where they are easier to find and access.
Do not use this field for purposes other than specifying the type of Span Annotation.
Learn more about Span Annotations.Honeycomb visualizes some data on Home without any of these definitions being set. Setting the dataset definitions for Home fields enables tabs within the Home display to be selectable. Some of these Home fields overlap with the tracing fields.
Configure all 8 Home fields to ensure all tabs in Home are selectable.
, " "
, and "false"
will be considered an error.trace
, debug
, info
, warn
, error
, fatal
, and unspecified